Native Plants Save Time, Water and Money.

Native plants are adapted to local soil conditions and rainfall, which means they generally require less upkeep. This helps the environment - saving you time, water, and money. The key to getting started is picking the right plants for your area. We’ve made a list of natives that do well in Hot Springs Village - see below or download now.

Native plants provide nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. They provide nourishing seeds and irresistible fruits for your feathered neighbors, and they offer places to nest and shelter from harm. They’re also a critical part of the food chain—native insects evolved to feed on native plants, and by and large, backyard birds raise their young on insects, explains Douglas Tallamy, the author of Bringing Nature Home.

Your yard - and the kinds of plants in it - matters more than you may know. 

2024 Native Plant Month in Hot Spring Village


Bird-Friendly Yard

By increasing the number of native plants, decreasing non-native invasive plants, and making other changes to your yard and lifestyle, you can make the Village a more bird-friendly community.

who loves what

Native plants provide essential food sources and shelter for birds and other pollinators, especially those threatened by the changing climate. Here’s a list of native plants in 71909 - and the birds who love them!

native Plant week

Native Plant Week recognizes the importance of native plants in bird-friendly communities. The week of April 22 (Earth Day) was Native Plant Week in Hot Spring Village.