Birds of Hot Springs Village
Bluebirds (thrush family)

Birds of Prey
These two chat it up! Turn up the sound :) Thanks to Charlene Vickers for snagging this great video from her deck on Lake Desoto.

Blackbirds and Orioles

Cardinals and Grosbeaks

Chickadees, Titmice and kinglets

Cuckoos and Roadrunners

Flycatchers and vireos


Nuthatches, Creepers, Wrens


Terri and Brian Bender shared this video of dozens of Purple Martins in their back yard - the martins are busy, busy, feeding and nesting in open area near Lake Balboa.
Other Thrushes and Thrashers

Sparrows, Towhees, Juncos

Warblers and Tanagers



MISCELLANEOUS Birds of The Village

NOTE: We will continually add new photos from HSV Audubon members as we receive them.
Good quality photos of birds found in Arkansas or seen during HSV Audubon Field Trips or Events will be considered for inclusion in the Photo Gallery. If you submit a photo, it is assumed that you have given us permission to use it on the HSV Audubon Society website and all other digital and print communication and promotional material.
We reserve the right to determine which submitted photos will be included on the HSV Audubon Society website and printed material.
When submitting a photo it must be a .jpg file renamed to identify the bird. In the email, please indicate where and when the photo was taken.