Field trip:
Bona Dea Trails & Pine Ridge Garden
Members Only - Rideshare
We have a two-part Field Trip planned for Wednesday, April 25th. Carolyn Minson and Karen Geiger will lead the trip.
Our morning destination is the Bona Dea Trail just west of Russellville. Migratory birds should be near full swing by then. The Bona Dea trails are well groomed and easy to walk. Rubber boots should not be needed.
Lunch will probably be fast food but feel free to brown bag.
After lunch, we will go to the Pine Ridge Garden/Nursery near London. Pine Ridge Garden is known as one of the few places where you can find native Arkansas plants. This is your chance to find that bird/butterfly friendly plant you've been thinking about.
We will meet at the Desoto Club parking area and leave at 7:30.
Rideshare - give the driver a little scratch...
$$ to help take the sting out of gas prices
Consider the trip canceled in case of poor weather.
We will have sign-up sheets at the March and April meetings, or easy sign-up below.
Questions contact Karen Geiger 501-922-0645, or ask your question below on the sign up form below.