Join us on a field trip to Bird Island to see the purple martins!
Join us on a field trip to Bird Island to see the purple martins!
Join us on a field trip to see the trumpeter swans at Heber Springs!
Purple Martin filed trip August 5th to Lake Ouachita State Park
Don’t miss the 2022 Eagle Season…Several tour dates available in February at Lake Ouachita.
Purple Martin filed trip July 28 to Lake Ouachita State Park
April showers bring May flowers - The perfect time for Virginia McDaniel to teach us about native plants of Arkansas and why they are so important to our environment and bird population.
Once again, learn to name that bird! - Our 4-session Bird ID Workshop is back by popular demand. Register now! Click the photo for details.
Join bird watchers of all ages worldwide who will count birds to create a real-time snapshot of where birds are. Great Backyard Bird Count starts February 14, 2020 - Happy Valentine Day!
Want to see Eagles and Loons “doing their thing” on Lake Ouachita? Here’s your chance!
Eric Sundell will present a program about Milkweeds and Pollinators - with the EMPHASIS ON POLLINATION
Name that bird! - Our 4-session Bird ID Workshop is back by popular demand. Register now! Click photo for details.
February is the time for Woodcock to migrate through Arkansas. Go searching on Wednesday, Feb 13.
ATTENTION MEMBRS: Join us at Balboa beach on Saturday, February 9 at 7:30 a.m. for half a day of counting ducks, followed by lunch.
Get ready for 2018 Christmas Bird Count in Hot Springs Village.
You’re Invited…Electric Island Nature Trail Dedication September 21
We’re going to the field in search of Painted Buntings.
Members Only: two-part Field Trip in search of migratory birds on Bona Dea Trail and native plants at Pine Ridge Garden. Click photo for more details
Native Plant Walk at Cedar Creek Trail led by Susan Hooks
Name that bird! Our 4-session Bird ID Workshop is back by popular demand. Register now! Click photo for details.
As part of Audubon's nationwide Great Backyard Bird Count, we will survey a number of the Village lakes in search of ducks. Click photo for details
Count the birds! We've scheduled our annual Christmas Bird Count and want you to join us. Groups are being assigned. Click photo for more details.
Hummingbird bander Tana Beasley will present a program on S. American birds before netting and banding some Hummers. If you're really lucky you may get to hold one in the palm of your hand. Click photo for details.
Observe Purple Martins in their migratory pattern at Bird Island on Lake Ouachita as thousands swirl above the island and into the trees for the night.
Join Theo Witsell for a guided wildflower tour on Cedar Creek Trail.
Have you seen this bird? We're heading north in search of Painted Buntings.