This may be a virtual program
What's Not to Love About Hummingbirds?
Tana Beasley will enthusiastically tell us all about hummingbirds at our meeting on Thursday, March 11, at 10:00 am, location may be virtual due to COVID.
And Tana, of all people, has the inside scoop on those fascinating hummers!
Tana holds the “Bander of Records for the State of Arkansas in Hummingbird Banding” and she is the only person in the State with a valid Federal Master Bird Banding Permit for banding Hummingbirds.
Since Hummingbirds are migratory birds, one must have a Federal Permit to band and handle them. Her training began in 2008, and she started doing “real” banding in 2009.
Her many accomplishments and current positions include:
In 2000 she helped develop Curriculum for Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) new center, Potlatch Conservation Education Center at Cook’s Lake, and since 2010 has served as Facility Manager of that facility.
Arkansas County Master Gardener (MG), Vice President; MG Training in Arkansas County, instructor and Advanced MG Training in Monroe, instructor.
Certified in AGFC Programs - Project WILD, Project WET and WILD, Growing Up WILD, Wonders of Wetlands, Boater Education, Hunter Education, judge for Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports Program and Arkansas National Archery in the Schools Program; becoming an Outdoor Woman instructor, as well as instructor of our PCEC Curriculum.
She is a graduate of Harding University, Searcy and taught Biology/Chemistry, and Environmental Science, in public schools for 30 years.
Tana Beasley shares the thrill of releasing a hummingbird after banding.