Fall Bird Supply Sale
Due to supply chain issues we will be selling everything at the meetings - Cash and Carry!

Fall Bird Supply Sale
Due to supply chain issues we will be selling everything at the meetings - Cash and Carry!

Spring Birdseed Sale
Stock up with quality seeds - fresh from the mill. ORDER NOW! Click photo for details

Pick Up Time!
Time to pick up your birdseed! Friday, October 29, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. OR
Saturday October 30, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.

Spring Bird Supply Sale
Stock up with quality seeds - fresh from the mill. Convenient 10# or 20# bags + Nyjer (thistle) in 5# bags and more! ORDER NOW! Click photo for details

It's Pick Up Time!
Time to pick up your birdseed! Friday, October 23, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. OR
Saturday October 24, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.

FALL Bird Supply Sale
Stock up with quality seeds - fresh from the mill. Convenient 10# or 20# bags + Nyjer (thistle) in 5# bags and more! ORDER NOW! Click photo for details

"Filler" Order for Birdseed
Our of Seed? HSV Audubon brought in a limited number of 10# bags to hold you over until the fall orders are delivered

"Filler" Order for Birdseed
Our of Seed? HSV Audubon brought in a limited number of 10# bags to hold you over until the fall orders are delivered

Spring Bird Supply Sale
Stock up with quality seeds - fresh from the mill. Newsflash: Convenient 10# bags + Audubon birdbath tray, Nyjer (thistle) tube feeder and more! Click photo for details