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“ Nature’s Seasons: A Photographic Journey “

Vic and Sharon Prislipsky grew up in Western Pennsylvania. Both are graduates of the University of Pittsburgh; however, their careers took them to Michigan where they spent more than thirty years working in the field of education. They have lived in Hot Springs Village since 2009.

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For Sharon, photography was a strong interest beginning when she got her hands on her first Kodak Brownie camera at the age of twelve. Vic’s interest began after college when he developed an interest in macro photography, mainly focusing on insects and wildflowers. Many of their images feature dramatic landscapes from many regions of the United States. They have won numerous awards in the Gulf States region and in international exhibitions.

Though their work is eclectic, Vic and Sharon consider themselves primarily nature photographers. Their work focuses on subjects they care deeply about, and their goal is to share their vision and communicate their passion for the natural world.