Live Owls


What a treat!

Rusty Scarborough shared his knowledge of owls to 61 mask-wearing, social distancing members of HSV Audubon at the first meeting since February, in the open-air at Balboa Pavilion on September 10.

Photo credits to John Taylor,
Larry Wilson and Norma Wall.

It was pleasure to get together again. This was our first meeting since February and it was a glimpse of what we may be able to do in the near future, fingers crossed! Thank you, all members who attended, for being so respectful to one another and following the necessary guidelines.
- Norma Wall, President

Rusty tells what to expect if you ever come face-to-face with a barn owl.

This video is of the entire event, filmed by Larry Wilson (thanks, Larry!). Rusty’s presentation started about 23 minutes into the meeting.