ID and Care of Winter Birds

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Dr. Dan "the Birdman" Scheiman was our guest speaker for December 10, with a program that was on-point for sharpening bird identification skills. He discussed winter bird care and counting as well as reviewing some tricky backyard bird IDs.

Watch the video below.

Click below to get the birding resources that Dan talked about in his presentation:

Arkansas Birding Resources

Dr. Scheiman is Bird Conservation Director for Audubon Arkansas, a state office of the National Audubon Society, based at the Little Rock Audubon Center. He has a B.S. from Cornell University, M.S. from Eastern Illinois University, and a Ph.D. from Purdue University.

Dr. Scheiman and his coworker’s advocate for birds, restore wildlife habitat and help Arkansans improve their local environments.

He has been birding for over 25 years. Since moving to Arkansas in 2005 to work for Audubon he has seen 365 of the 422 bird species documented in the state.