In case you missed it - March Program
Over 105 members and guests in attendance
Pam and Jack Stewart presented Arkansas Audubon's Bird Friendly Yard Certification Program, and explained how to become involved.
Pam and Jack Stewart
Your yard - and the kinds of plants in it - matters more than you may know. Native plants play an important role in providing the food and cover birds need to survive and thrive in a way that non-native plants cannot. By increasing the number of native plants, decreasing non-native invasive plants, and making other changes, you can greatly improve the value of your yard to birds.
yards are given points based on:
- Plant Natives and Remove Invasives
- Remove Hazards
- Supply Basic Needs
- Personal Actions
Yards will be certified at three levels:
Working to Become, Green, or Gold.
- Wayne Krone and Harry Cervenka were busy selling Spring Bird Supplies - taking orders through March 11 - go to store
- Diane Condon and Tiger Bienstadt raffled the Bald Eagle painting, won by Charlene and Don Vickers "We love Eagles and feel very fortunate to have won the beautiful painting." Two bird reference books were raffled, and the winners donated the books to Boys and Girls Club. Thank you, Andrea Mueller!
...and more
Thank you, John Taylor, for all the photos!