Butterfly Gardens on DeSoto

HSV Audubon is happy to support Tami Jones, Golf Course Superintendent for the DeSoto Golf Club who is working on the development of habitat for monarch butterflies and other pollinators in several out-of-play areas.


Tami is utilizing an Audubon International program, "Monarchs in the Rough", designed to help save pollinators by creating butterfly gardens. Monarchs in the Rough brings the scientific expertise and technical support to a network of more than 250 participating courses.

They share best practices for managing monarch habitat, conservation efforts, planting milkweed and other wildflowers that monarchs need to breed and feed, modify mowing schedules to support the timing of monarch migration, and protect sites from pesticide treatments.

Tami managed this same program with success at her former employer, Disney in Florida. She has earmarked several locations on DeSoto that have ample irrigation and she has groundskeepers to care for the gardens.

You Can Help

Tami needs our help in finding plants and seeds. She is looking for donations of pollinator plants, wildflowers, and host plants, and wildflower seeds. No invasive plants, please.

If you want to do some research, here are a few resources:

  • Top pollinators: Top 23 Plants for Pollinators: Attract Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds! ~ Homestead and Chill

  • Arkansas Native Plants: https://www.audubon.org/native-plants

  • Host plants include buddleia or butterfly bush, butterfly weed, lantana, and fennel.

Invasive plants include

Mimosa, Bamboo, English Ivy, Running monkey grass, Large leaf vinca, Wisteria (Chinese), Chinese privet, Leather Leaf Mahonia, Japanese honeysuckle, Tall fescue, Bradford Pear, Non-native Lespedeza, Nandina, Garlic chives, Wintercreeper Euonymus.

If you have plants or seeds to offer, or for questions, please contact Karen Geiger at 501-922-0645 or kg77055@yahoo.com to arrange for drop off or pick up.